Wednesday, September 8, 2010


I am going to have to learn to deal with hearing the word "SUMMER". The word means much more to me than it does to most people. For some of you, it is a time of vacation and times spent making lasting memories with those that you love. The weather is warm and the sun shines brightly, its the perfect setting for a picnic or an afternoon at the beach enjoying the warm ocean breeze. Green trees everywhere along with flowers so fragrant and colorful. Schools are out, and you can hear the sounds of children playing and just I chose the name Summer because I wanted her to have a very special name. A name that wasnt so commonly used and had a beautiful meaning. I also loved the way the word just rolled off of my tongue when I would say it to my growing belly. Now, when I hear or see her name, it brings up so many raw emotions. Summer (the season) is over. Summer (my daughter) is gone. Soon the leaves will be changing colors. Children have already gone back to school. I guess you could say it is ironic that these two beautiful Summers have left at the very same time.

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