Friday, October 15, 2010

Summer is missing

Summer ran away from the group home last night. No one has heard from her or seen her. She is 16 and is off of her bipolar meds. Cps has lost my daughter. They couldnt stop her from leaving the group home since she is over the age of 12. Our family has been searching for her with no luck, Supposedly the police have been looking for her and have her down as a missing person. This is not how it was supposed to happen. Summer was in the group home to be put back on her meds and to be safe. Now we know that Summer is not safe. The state couldnt keep up with her. We are praying for her safety and that if anyone out there is helping her by hiding her and giving her a place to stay, they should realize that they are NOT helping her.

1 comment:

  1. I pray that you find her SOON!!! God sees her -- His ways do NOT make sense to us sometimes, though. PLEASE keep posting updates on here!
